Weekly Live Classes

When you "Book your spot," you'll be sent an email with the class link.
It will also make a calendar event with the link.
If you can't find the link at the time of class, come back to this page and you can join the live class from the listing.

Classroom opens 15 minutes before class starts for chats and hellos!

Meet the teachers here.
Props + Equipment suggestions.

(IAY Members: links to Mary, Sarah, Ivy, Teri and Patricia at the bottom of this page.)

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Members' Exclusive Classes

Mondays 7:30-8:30 am  (note time change)
Slow Flow Align
with Ivy  

Class Description
A 60 min yoga practice good for the mind, body & spirit at any age. This gentle flow class is suitable for anyone enjoying a slower paced, alignment focused & relaxed practice. Using the breath as a guide we will stretch and lengthen the muscles, lubricate the joints, nourish the organs & tissues, practice balance & explore alignment while creating peace & harmony in our lives. All levels welcome.

Class Links for May 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84427084802

Tuesdays 7-8 pm  **Sarah is on maternity leave until summer**
Roll, Release and Restore
with Sarah

To support your practice, a Yin, Restorative, or Nidra video will be shared each week while Sarah is on maternity leave. Some will be new videos and some will be old favorites. We hope these practices will provide you with moments of relaxation and rejuvenation until Sarah's return.  

Click Here for Weekly Practice

Class Description
Roll away the stress and restore your nervous system with yoga therapy ball massage, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra.

Suggested Props: 2 balls in a tote (yoga tune up, lacrosse balls, pinky balls, tennis balls, dryer balls, lemons and limes work too!), 2 blocks, 2-4 blankets, bolster, eye covering, and warm socks. You do not have to have all of these props - we can always get creative with things you have around the home.

Wednesdays  - 3 Weds of every month -- May 15, 22 + 29
7-7:25 am  Meditation
7:30-8:30 am Vinyasa
8:30-9:30 am Yoga Basics
with Mary

Class Descriptions
7 am Guided Meditation with theme, poem or teaching. You are welcome to participate sitting or lying down.

7.30-8.25 am Active Vinyasa to help you get up and go! A lively flow of sun salutes and standing poses with warm up and cool down.

8.30-9.30am Basics - A simple class touching into all the bases and designed for those who want a slower pace and modifications. Suitable for all, beginners included. Join the class after 8.25am.

Class Link  (arrive at the class time, not early)
Meeting ID: 834 7627 5578   Passcode: 153982
Please say hello with your name and that you're from IAY in the chat.

Wednesdays 7-8:30 pm  
Therapeutic Yoga
with Teri

Class description
This class is a healing, physically slower approach to yoga. The starting point is what is comfortably possible for the practitioner. Postures are modified using props and are tailored to individual needs and physical capabilities. The level of difficulty and intensity is attuned to the individuals in each class and refined constantly throughout the practice. This evening class focuses on releasing stress and tension from the day.

Class Link: 
May 29 - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84964846567?pwd=UUxDMWNpamhzZTJtZmtuMHI1RHhUdz09

Thursdays 5-6 pm 
2nd and 4th Thursdays: May 9 + 23, June 13 + 27, July 11 + 25
Hanna Somatics
with Patricia 

Class description
Hanna Somatics addresses the brain-body relationship. Using slow, gentle movement, students learn to relax and release tight, contracted muscles and improve motor function through postures and meditative somatic movement. This stimulates the brain and the nervous system to release chronic muscle tension so that the brain can take back voluntary control of otherwise involuntary contracted muscles.

Class Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88657919331?pwd=V1R1SHNFYlpXQTVkdEhCbExIMEdJQT09
Meeting ID: 886 5791 9331
Passcode: 633810

Upcoming Live Classes

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